Monday, December 1, 2014

Inspiration - Zen Pencils

Inspiration is an important thing.  I have had trouble in the past with inspirational speakers and books.  I have found the whole subject to be, in general, too cheesy, too plastic for my taste.  I have trouble listening to their advice, because I feel like I am trying to be sold something.  I don't think this is always the case, but more often than not if someone starts talking about inspirational material my eyes instantly begin to glaze over and I just wait for the "I spent x amount to go to their lecture and spent more money on their book once I was there."  Sounds like someone sold you something and good for you, you learned a lesson, right?  They were so inspirational they took all your money; Just another con artist at work.

Okay, okay, this is a jaded and cynical view and I don't actually believe it to be quite so dire, but it's the feeling I get all the same.  I believe that there are probably plenty of people out there who do truly want to inspire you and make you better, but it's all about finding what is right for you.  It's hard to listen to something inspirational if it doesn't really apply to you.  I mean, the root of all of this stuff is probably the same, it's probably the same rules to follow that will lead you to success and feeling good about yourself.

But I am an artist, and when someone is talking to me about their success in sales or business, it doesn't mean anything.  I want to listen to people in my field.  And this makes so much sense, but it was hard for me to get there.

What I'm leading to is Zen Pencils (  This is my new favorite site.  It is a site where an artist, Gavin Aung Than, has taken inspirational quotes and drawn out comics for each one.  It is amazing.  I think it is great for anyone looking for inspiration, but more importantly to me, it is great for artists.  Artists of any kind really.  A great deal of the quotes are from famous artists, though there are plenty from others who are just remarkable people with interesting things to say.  It makes me feel good.  For lack of a better word, it makes me feel inspired.

It is organized by name of the person who has been quoted, so you can probably find someone you respect, or at least someone who makes you laugh.  My personal favorite is the Bill Watterson quote.  One, because it feels like it is specifically for me, it is the way I feel about life but could never express so eloquently as this.  And two, because I love Calvin and Hobbes.  I can't recommend this highly enough.  Go check it out for yourself.

All images copyright © Gavin Aung Than

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