Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The importance of drawing

What are peoples idea of an artist?  If you went and asked people, what do you think an artist does or get more specific and ask about graphic design, you would probably be inundated with answers that all boil down to, "They draw stuff."  Right.  That is probably what normal artists enjoy and do.  It really helps to build your fundamentals to understand bigger problems.  It is an invaluable skill to have as a designer so that you can sketch out ideas quickly. 

Well, no one ever said I was normal.  I mean, I'm mostly normal, but I always have to get to things the hard way.  I went to art school, and you know what, I had to draw stuff all the time.  I learned technique, and was taught the importance of all things drawing.  I fought it the whole time though.  I always wanted to be using the computer to assist me and people kept saying, it will be easier on the computer if you understand the basics, the fundamentals of art. 

Of course they are right, but it took me some time to come around.  So my work these days is reliant on being able to sketch out ideas.  So I really need to practice and I am setting up a schedule for myself to do just that.  Drawing is not a talent that just some people have and everyone else is out of luck.  You see those people that make amazing stuff?  They have worked their butt off and practice all the time.  Oh sure, it comes more naturally to some people than others, but the bottom line is if you practice, practice, practice you will get better, better, better. 

So I hereby solemnly swear that I will start practicing more so that in the future everything I do will be better.  Sounds like a good plan, better get to it.

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