Friday, March 27, 2015

Webcomic #1 "Your focus determines your reality"

Let me start by saying that everyone I know has been very supportive of my new venture.  I am an artist though and therefor have some insecurities.  Okay, maybe a lot of insecurities.  The lady in the chair more represents a voice in my head that questions my decisions, than any real person.

That said, this is a fair representation of the number of thoughts in my head at any given second.  I would say it is a weakness of mine that I have trouble focusing.  I always have plenty of ideas, but one thought leads to another and another and so on, until half of the thoughts in my head are diametrically opposing the other half.

And then what do I do?  Usually, I pace back and forth working myself into such a frenzy that my head feels as if electricity is arcing from it, searching the air for more ideas to cram in.

This has historically been a proven way to not get anything done.  There are great minds out there bursting with ideas we may never get to see or hear about.

 Have you ever read "Infinite Jest," by David Foster Wallace?  It is a great read, but incredibly challenging.  It is 1000 pages but also has 100 pages of end notes.  As you read, the little numbers that send you to each end note start popping up, sometimes mid thought in the middle of a sentence.  So you are constantly flipping from where you are in the book, to the notes at the end that range anywhere from two words to two pages of description. 

At this point you need two bookmarks.  It is also told chronologically out of order.  At some point a timeline is introduced though so you know when everything takes place relative to the other events.  Now there is a third bookmark.

When asked why it is structured so he said he personally writes "what feels right," and whatever narrative structure comes from that he accepts. But, it is a sort of nightmare being the author of a novel "where you alone see the structure."

The point is, it is based on his mind which seems to be constantly pulling in many different directions at once.  Like a medieval quartering of your mind.

I am not the genius he was, but I empathize with, if not fully understand, the way his mind works.  Ah the perils of being creative.

Funny enough though, if I set a schedule for myself and have a reasonable goal, I always do exactly what I'm supposed to when I am supposed to.  It works wonders, I just have to remember that in order to thrive I must give myself the structure I need.

Also, instead of endlessly trying to figure out what the best idea is, that way madness lies, I need to seize onto an idea and just go with it.  What's the worst that could happen?


  1. This is Forrest by the way. What program did you use to make this?

    1. I used Illustrator. I drew it directly into illustrator which I am told is not the way to go about this.
