Monday, April 6, 2015

Webcomic #2 "Weird Science 2: I Think I'm A Clone Now"

I had never seen Weird Science until last week. 

Now, any person can list tons of movies they have never seen.  It isn't difficult to not see movies.  Even the most experienced critic after a life's work has still not seen even close to all the movies out there.  So this isn't very remarkable, except that I have seen so much of the rest of John Hughes admittedly small filmography as a director and writer; Especially his 80's stuff.

I was born in 1980, so I grew up watching 80's movies.  When I really got into watching a lot of movies around 13 or 14, many of them were from the 80's, simply because I had heard of them, or was familiar with the actors.  I think that my first John Hughes experience was Uncle Buck followed by Home Alone which he didn't direct.  Then I stumbled across the Vacation movies, which he wrote, and loved those.  The first movie of his that really made an impact on me was Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and this wasn't until like 1994.  So I was a little behind maybe, but I liked his stuff and soon had seen most of his works.  Certainly not all, but a good chunk.

Somehow through all of this though, I missed Weird Science.  I even watched some of the TV series of the same name that came out in the mid 90's.

So, fast forward to present day.  I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about quotable movies and this movie got mentioned.  So, I figured it was probably in my best interest to watch it.

I didn't love it.

Not that seeing John Hughes name is necessarily a guarantee of a great movie, but I usually find them enjoyable.  Plus this was a movie I have heard great things about.  A podcast said it had many quotable lines which is usually a positive thing.  I think if I had seen it back when I was 14 it would have been a different story. 

Nostalgia can certainly affect how a movie ages, and I definitely think that seeing this at age 14 when the movie was only 10 years old and seeing this at 35 with the movie being 30 years old makes a huge difference.

Now don't get me wrong, I had fun watching it, and laughed and smiled in many places, I just don't know if I will ever feel the need to revisit it.

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